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Message  Daniel Mar 6 Sep 2011 - 12:00

(francais) / deutsch / english

Episodenguide, FORT BOYARD, GBR, Staffel 4

Titel: Fort Boyard
Sender: Channel 5
Folgen: 14
Produktionsjahr: 2001
Produktion: ALP, Thames Television
Moderation: Leslie Grantham, Melinda Messenger
Rätsel: The Professor (Geoffrey Bayldon)

[Staffel 4 Folge 1] Peterborough


1 ) Susie Freeman, 20 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Peterborough
2 ) Paul Hamblin, 31 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Peterborough
3 ) Cameron Jensen, 26 Jahre, Personal Trainer, Peterborough
4 ) Austen Moore, 26 Jahre, Regionalkoordinator, Peterborough
5 ) Justine Potter, 27 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Peterborough


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Wasserträger (Porteur d'eau) > Susie > verloren
2 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Paul > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Justine > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Austen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Spaziergang (Précipice extérieur) > Cameron > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Schildkröte (Tortue) > Austen > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
6 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Justine > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Austen > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Life
2 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Cameron > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Music
3 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Austen > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Black
4 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Justine > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: West
5 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Susie > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Dancing


Schlüsselwort: Country
Gewinnsumme: 12.860 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 2] Brighton and Hove


1 ) Sol Gilbert, 25 Jahre, Geschäftsführer, Brighton
2 ) Jane Hamilton, 36 Jahre, Personal Trainerin, Worthing
3 ) Rozanna Roberts, 24 Jahre, Kundenbetreuerin, Hove
4 ) Eddy Spells, 27 Jahre, Schreiner, Hove
5 ) Neil Tawse, 27 Jahre, Fitnessmanager, Brighton


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Delfin (Dauphin) > Neil > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Rozanna > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Rozanna > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
4 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Sol > verloren
5 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Jane > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
6 ) Mausefalle (Souricière) > Eddy, Rozanna > gewonnen > 5. Schlüssel → 1. Hinweis: Flower


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Rozanna > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Ring
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Jane, Sol > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Queen
3 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Eddy > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Story
4 ) Seiltänzer (Funambule) > Rozanna > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Tooth
5 ) Everest (Everest) > Neil > gewonnen > 6. Hinweis: Lights


Schlüsselwort: Fairy
Gewinnsumme: 16.100 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 3] Belfast


1 ) Colm Curran, 26 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Belfast
2 ) Paul Curran, 24 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Belfast
3 ) Imelda McAteer, 28 Jahre, Sportlehrerin, Belfast
4 ) Ziad Mutasim, 26 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Belfast
5 ) Heather Thompson, 24 Jahre, Geschäftsführerin, Belfast


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Handschelle (Menotte) > Imelda > Gefängnis
2 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Colm > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Heather > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Paul > verloren
5 ) Schlammringen (Lutte dans la boue) > Heather > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
6 ) Mauer (Mur) > Ziad > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
7 ) Mausefalle (Souricière) > Colm, Imelda > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Imelda > verloren [Hinweis: Band]
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Heather, Ziad > verloren
3 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Imelda > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Plant
4 ) Hebel (Balancier) > Colm > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Foam
5 ) Katapult (Catapulte) > Paul > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Glove


Schlüsselwort: Rubber
Gewinnsumme: 14.390 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 4] Mole Special


1 ) David Buxton, 36 Jahre, Geschäftsführer, London
2 ) Zi Khan, 33 Jahre, Gastronom, Doncaster
3 ) Sara Lee, 24 Jahre, Abrechnungskoordinatorin, London
4 ) Paul Wallace-Simms, 35 Jahre, Religionslehrer, Bognor Regis
5 ) Jules Woolston, 34 Jahre, Konferenzveranstalterin, Manchester


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Handschelle (Menotte) > Sara > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Zi > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > David > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Zi > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Jules > verloren
5 ) Delfin (Dauphin) > Paul > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Mausefalle (Souricière) > David, Sara > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Sara > verloren [Hinweis: Television]
2 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > David > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Test
3 ) Tigerkäfig (Cage aux tigres) > Paul > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Silver
4 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Zi > verloren
5 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Jules > verloren


Tauschopfer: Sara > 3. Hinweis: Play

Schlüsselwort: Screen
Gewinnsumme: 12.980 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 5] Glasgow


1 ) Gillian Anderson, 22 Jahre, Akademikerin, Glasgow
2 ) Peter Beggs, 33 Jahre, Marketingmanager, Glasgow
3 ) Suzanne Gibson, 22 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Glasgow
4 ) Lee Graham, 26 Jahre, Sportlehrerin, Johnstone
5 ) Alexander Urquhart, 26 Jahre, Personal Trainer, Glasgow


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Schubladen (Tiroirs) > Lee > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Peter > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Gillian > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Spaziergang (Précipice extérieur) > Suzanne > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Saugnapf (Ventouse) > Gillian > Gefängnis
6 ) Schildkröte (Tortue) > Alexander > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Alexander > verloren [Hinweis: Suit]
2 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Peter > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Service
3 ) Klettern (Varappe) > Alexander > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Good
4 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Lee > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Coffee
5 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Suzanne > verloren


Tauschopfer: Suzanne > 4. Hinweis: Sickness

Schlüsselwort: Morning
Gewinnsumme: 10.940 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 6] Cardiff


1 ) Nick Clarke, 30 Jahre, Steuerberater, Cardiff
2 ) Stuart Ivins, 36 Jahre, Steuerberater, Cardiff
3 ) Heather Jones, 37 Jahre, Steuerberaterin, Cardiff
4 ) Michelle Moses, 32 Jahre, Steuerberaterin, Cardiff
5 ) Michael Webber, 31 Jahre, Steuerberater, Cardiff


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Weichensteller (Aiguilleur) > Nick > verloren
2 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Michelle > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Heather > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Irrenanstalt (Asile) > Michael > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
5 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Nick > verloren
6 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Heather, Stuart > verloren
7 ) Mühle (Moulin) > Michelle > verloren
8 ) Gefäße (Jarres) > Heather > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel

Verlies: Heather > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Michelle > verloren [Hinweis: Mail]
2 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Michael/Stuart > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Ghost
3 ) Tigerkäfig (Cage aux tigres) > Nick > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Gravy
4 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Stuart > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Express


Schlüsselwort: Train
Gewinnsumme: 11.940 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 7] Charity Workers


1 ) Andy Callard, 26 Jahre, Ausbildungsleiter, Buckinghamshire
2 ) Clare Hallsworth, 27 Jahre, Eventmanagerin, London
3 ) Helen Loxton, 28 Jahre, Werbemanagerin, London
4 ) Russell Watson, 28 Jahre, Englischlehrer, London
5 ) Lauren Waughray, 32 Jahre, IT-Beraterin, London


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Eimer (Seaux) > Clare, Russell > verloren
2 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Helen > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Russell > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Saugnapf (Ventouse) > Andy > Gefängnis
5 ) Schubladen (Tiroirs) > Lauren > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
6 ) Stäbchen (Baguettes) > Clare, Russell > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
7 ) Gefäße (Jarres) > Helen > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Russell > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Front
2 ) Versunkenes Haus (Maison engloutie) > Helen > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Block
3 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Andy > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Head
4 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Clare > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Party
5 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Lauren > verloren


Tauschopfer 1: Lauren > 5. Hinweis: Oval
Tauschopfer 2: Clare > 6. Hinweis: Registry

Schlüsselwort: Officee [Buchstabierung] > falsch

Schlüsselwort: Office
Gewinnsumme: 0 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 8] Oldham


1 ) Mick Farrell, 24 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Oldham
2 ) Lorraine Hawksworth, 32 Jahre, Kundenberaterin, Rochdale
3 ) Michelle Snape, 29 Jahre, Bürokauffrau, Oldham
4 ) Lady Eva Speakman, 32 Jahre, Geschäftsführerin, Littleborough
5 ) Lord Nick Speakman, 38 Jahre, Vorstand, Littleborough


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Drehkreuz (Tourniquet) > Lorraine > verloren
2 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Eva > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Michelle > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Mick > verloren
5 ) Steigbügel (Étriers suspendus) > Nick > verloren
6 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Michelle > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
7 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Eva, Nick > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
8 ) Rumpelkammer (Débarras) > Mick > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Mick > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Tool
2 ) Everest (Everest) > Nick > verloren
3 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Michelle > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Fruit
4 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Mick > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Shop
5 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Eva > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Gun


Tauschopfer: Eva > 5. Hinweis: Washing

Schlüsselwort: Machine
Gewinnsumme: 4.550 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 9] Warwickshire Firefighters


1 ) Scott Barter, 29 Jahre, Feuerwehrmann, Warwickshire
2 ) Danni Gregory, 31 Jahre, Feuerwehrfrau, Warwickshire
3 ) Steve Langhor, 35 Jahre, Feuerwehrmann, Warwickshire
4 ) Hannah Lodder, 25 Jahre, Feuerwehrfrau, Warwickshire
5 ) Nicky Rudge, 30 Jahre, Feuerwehrfrau, Warwickshire


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Irrenanstalt (Asile) > Scott > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Armdrücken (Bras de fer) > Steve > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Scott > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
4 ) Schrumpfzelle (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Nicky > verloren
5 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Danni > verloren
6 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Hannah > verloren
7 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Scott > verloren
8 ) Brett (Planche) > Steve > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Danni > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Top
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Danni, Scott > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Night
3 ) Tigerkäfig (Cage aux tigres) > Nicky > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Path
4 ) Boot (Esquif) > Steve > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Deck
5 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Hannah > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Crew


Tauschopfer: Hannah > 6. Hinweis: Charter

Schlüsselwort: Flight
Gewinnsumme: 6.080 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 10] Estate Agents


1 ) Stephen Champkins, 31 Jahre, Makler, Cambridgeshire
2 ) Jason Hearn, 31 Jahre, Immobilienmakler Buckinghamshire
3 ) Abigail Lordon, 29 Jahre, Lohnbuchhalterin, Milton Keynes
4 ) Ben Taylor, 29 Jahre, Gebietsleiter, Bedfordshire
5 ) Abigail Trigg, 23 Jahre, Immobilienmaklerin, Derbyshire


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Drehkreuz (Tourniquet) > Abigail T > verloren
2 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Stephen > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Abigail L > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Ben > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Mausefalle (Souricière) > Abigail T, Jason > verloren + Gefängnis [Abigail T]
5 ) Mauer (Mur) > Stephen > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Abigail L > verloren
7 ) Delfin (Dauphin) > Ben > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Abigail T > verloren [Hinweis: Bag]
2 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Ben > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Bean
3 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Stephen > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Second
4 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Jason > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Band
5 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Abigail T > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Vest


Schlüsselwort: String
Gewinnsumme: 6.390 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 11] London


1 ) Lesley Barnett, 31 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, London
2 ) Howard Braband, 34 Jahre, Direktor, Peterborough
3 ) Tim Foster, 31 Jahre, Geschäftsführer, Sheffield
4 ) Venita Joaquim, 29 Jahre, Sekretärin, Fleet
5 ) Lisette Mayhew, 33 Jahre, Sportlehrerin, Peterborough


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Wasserträger (Porteur d'eau) > Venita > verloren
2 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Howard > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Tim > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Lisette > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Schlammringen (Lutte dans la boue) > Lesley > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
5 ) Delfin (Dauphin) > Tim > verloren
6 ) Brett (Planche) > Lisette > verloren
7 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Howard, Venita > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
8 ) Gefäße (Jarres) > Lisette > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Venita > verloren [Hinweis: Time]
2 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Howard > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Land
3 ) Klettern (Varappe) > Lesley > verloren
4 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Lisette > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Pilgrim
5 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Tim > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: God


Schlüsselwort: Father
Gewinnsumme: 18.430 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 12] Surrey


1 ) Steve Hyland, 40 Jahre, Unternehmer, Surrey
2 ) Linda Kalantarian, 38 Jahre, Kosmetikerin, Surrey
3 ) Andy King, 40 Jahre, Geschäftsinhaber, Surrey
4 ) Joanne Llambias, 32 Jahre, Kosmetikerin, Surrey
5 ) Anna Price, 29 Jahre, Personal Trainerin, Middlesex


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Irrenanstalt (Asile) > Steve > verloren
2 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Linda > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Steve > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Joanne > verloren
5 ) Steigbügel (Étriers suspendus) > Andy > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Brett (Planche) > Anna > verloren
7 ) Wasserträger (Porteur d'eau) > Linda > verloren
8 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Andy, Anna > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Linda > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Market
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Andy, Anna > verloren
3 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Joanne > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Cube
4 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Steve > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Exchange
5 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Linda > verloren


Schlüsselwort: Stock
Gewinnsumme: 13.380 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 13] North Yorkshire Police


1 ) Catherine Baty, 34 Jahre, Polizeibeamtin, Yorkshire
2 ) Andy Short, 27 Jahre, Polizeibeamter, Yorkshire
3 ) Neil Stanton, 40 Jahre, Polizeimeister, Yorkshire
4 ) Angie Went, 24 Jahre, Polizeibeamtin, Yorkshire
5 ) Mark Whitehouse, 32 Jahre, Polizeiwachtmeister, County Durham


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Handschelle (Menotte) > Angie > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Andy > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Neil > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Saugnapf (Ventouse) > Neil > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Schlammringen (Lutte dans la boue) > Catherine > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
6 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Mark > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Neil > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Rose
2 ) Fischernetz (Barge et filet) > Andy > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Plain
3 ) Drahtseilleiter (Échelle spéléo) > Angie > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Breakfast
4 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Catherine > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Mustard
5 ) Versunkenes Haus (Maison engloutie) > Neil > verloren
6 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Mark > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Language


Schlüsselwort: English
Gewinnsumme: 18.270 GBP

[Staffel 4 Folge 14] Celebrity Special


1 ) Keith Duffy, Sänger
2 ) Sally Gray, Moderatorin
3 ) Nell McAndrew, Model
4 ) Tris Payne, Moderator
5 ) Scott Wright, Schauspieler

Organisation: Save the Children


Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Eimer (Seaux) > Sally, Scott > verloren
2 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Nell > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Sally > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Tris > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Sally, Scott > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Irrenanstalt (Asile) > Keith > verloren
6 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Tris > verloren
7 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Nell > verloren
8 ) Weichensteller (Aiguilleur) > Scott > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Nell > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Door
2 ) Rolle (Culbuto) > Sally > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Hand
3 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Nell > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Whisper
4 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Keith > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Name
5 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Tris > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Back


Schlüsselwort: Stage
Gewinnsumme: 10.130 GBP

Episode Guide, FORT BOYARD, GBR, Season 4 [English]

Title: Fort Boyard
Channel: Channel 5
Episodes: 14
Year of production: 2001
Production: ALP, Thames Television
Presentation: Leslie Grantham, Melinda Messenger
Riddles: The Professor (Geoffrey Bayldon)

[Season 4 Episode 1] Peterborough


1 ) Susie Freeman, 20 years, fitness instructor, Peterborough
2 ) Paul Hamblin, 31 years, fitness coordinator, Peterborough
3 ) Cameron Jensen, 26 years, personal trainer, Peterborough
4 ) Austen Moore, 26 years, regional coordinator, Peterborough
5 ) Justine Potter, 27 years, fitness instructor, Peterborough


Time: 40:00


1 ) Water Carrier (Porteur d'eau) > Susie > lost
2 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Paul > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Justine > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Austen > 2nd key
4 ) Terror Walk (Précipice extérieur) > Cameron > won > 3rd key
5 ) Tortoise (Tortue) > Austen > won > 4th key
6 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Justine > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Austen > won > 1st clue: Life
2 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Cameron > won > 2nd clue: Music
3 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Austen > won > 3rd clue: Black
4 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Justine > won > 4th clue: West
5 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Susie > won > 5th clue: Dancing

Treasure Room

Password: Country
Amount: 12.860 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 2] Brighton and Hove


1 ) Sol Gilbert, 25 years, company director, Brighton
2 ) Jane Hamilton, 36 years, personal trainer, Worthing
3 ) Rozanna Roberts, 24 years, account representive, Hove
4 ) Eddy Spells, 27 years, carpenter, Hove
5 ) Neil Tawse, 27 years, fitness manager, Brighton


Time: 40:00


1 ) Dolphin (Dauphin) > Neil > won > 1st key
2 ) Mole (Taupe) > Rozanna > won > 2nd key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Rozanna > won > 3rd key
4 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Sol > lost
5 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Jane > won > 4th key
6 ) Mousetrap (Souricière) > Eddy, Rozanna > won > 5th key → 1st clue: Flower


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Rozanna > won > 2nd clue: Ring
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Jane, Sol > won > 3rd clue: Queen
3 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Eddy > won > 4th clue: Story
4 ) Tightrope Walker (Funambule) > Rozanna > won > 5th clue: Tooth
5 ) Everest (Everest) > Neil > won > 6th clue: Lights

Treasure Room

Password: Fairy
Amount: 16.100 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 3] Belfast


1 ) Colm Curran, 26 years, senior fitness instructor, Belfast
2 ) Paul Curran, 24 years, senior fitness instructor, Belfast
3 ) Imelda McAteer, 28 years, PE teacher, Belfast
4 ) Ziad Mutasim, 26 years, fitness instructor, Belfast
5 ) Heather Thompson, 24 years, gym manager, Belfast


Time: 40:00


1 ) Handcuff (Menotte) > Imelda > Prison
2 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Colm > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Heather > won > 1st key
4 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Paul > lost
5 ) Mud Wrestling (Lutte dans la boue) > Heather > won > 2nd key
6 ) Wall (Mur) > Ziad > won > 3rd key
7 ) Mousetrap (Souricière) > Colm, Imelda > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Imelda > lost [Clue: Band]
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Heather, Ziad > lost
3 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Imelda > won > 1st clue: Plant
4 ) Lever (Balancier) > Colm > won > 2nd clue: Foam
5 ) Catapult (Catapulte) > Paul > won > 3rd clue: Glove

Treasure Room

Password: Rubber
Amount: 14.390 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 4] Mole Special


1 ) David Buxton, 36 years, managing director, London
2 ) Zi Khan, 33 years, restaurateur, Doncaster
3 ) Sara Lee, 24 years, billings coordinator, London
4 ) Paul Wallace-Simms, 35 years, RE teacher, Bognor Regis
5 ) Jules Woolston, 34 years, conference organiser, Manchester


Time: 40:00


1 ) Handcuff (Menotte) > Sara > won > 1st key
2 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Zi > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > David > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Zi > 2e clé
4 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Jules > lost
5 ) Dolphin (Dauphin) > Paul > won > 3rd key
6 ) Mousetrap (Souricière) > David, Sara > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Sara > lost [Clue: Television]
2 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > David > won > 1st clue: Test
3 ) Tiger Cage (Cage aux tigres) > Paul > won > 2nd clue: Silver
4 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Zi > lost
5 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Jules > lost

Treasure Room

Sacrifice: Sara > 3rd clue: Play

Password: Screen
Amount: 12.980 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 5] Glasgow


1 ) Gillian Anderson, 22 years, post graduate, Glasgow
2 ) Peter Beggs, 33 years, technical marketing manager, Glasgow
3 ) Suzanne Gibson, 22 years, fitness instructor, Glasgow
4 ) Lee Graham, 26 years, gym instructor, Johnstone
5 ) Alexander Urquhart, 26 years, personal trainer, Glasgow


Time: 40:00


1 ) Drawers (Tiroirs) > Lee > won > 1st key
2 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Peter > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Gillian > won > 2nd key
4 ) Terror Walk (Précipice extérieur) > Suzanne > won > 3rd key
5 ) Suction Cup (Ventouse) > Gillian > Prison
6 ) Tortoise (Tortue) > Alexander > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Alexander > lost [Clue: Suit]
2 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Peter > won > 1st clue: Service
3 ) Climbing (Varappe) > Alexander > won > 2nd clue: Good
4 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Lee > won > 3rd clue: Coffee
5 ) Bell (Cloche) > Suzanne > lost

Treasure Room

Sacrifice: Suzanne > 4th clue: Sickness

Password: Morning
Amount: 10.940 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 6] Cardiff


1 ) Nick Clarke, 30 years, civil servant tax advisor, Cardiff
2 ) Stuart Ivins, 36 years, civlil servant tax advisor, Cardiff
3 ) Heather Jones, 37 years, civil servant tax advisor, Cardiff
4 ) Michelle Moses, 32 years, civil servant tax advisor, Cardiff
5 ) Michael Webber, 31 years, civil servant tax advisor, Cardiff


Time: 40:00


1 ) Pointsman (Aiguilleur) > Nick > lost
2 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Michelle > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Heather > won > 1st key
4 ) Asylum (Asile) > Michael > won > 2nd key
5 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Nick > lost
6 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Heather, Stuart > lost
7 ) Mill (Moulin) > Michelle > lost
8 ) Jars (Jarres) > Heather > won > 3rd key

Dungeon: Heather > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Michelle > lost [Clue: Mail]
2 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Michael/Stuart > won > 1st clue: Ghost
3 ) Tiger Cage (Cage aux tigres) > Nick > won > 2nd clue: Gravy
4 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Stuart > won > 3rd clue: Express

Treasure Room

Password: Train
Amount: 11.940 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 7] Charity Workers


1 ) Andy Callard, 26 years, training officer, Buckinghamshire
2 ) Clare Hallsworth, 27 years, fundraising events manager, London
3 ) Helen Loxton, 28 years, sports sponsorship manager, London
4 ) Russell Watson, 28 years, English teacher, London
5 ) Lauren Waughray, 32 years, IT consultant, London


Time: 40:00


1 ) Buckets (Seaux) > Clare, Russell > lost
2 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Helen > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Russell > won > 1st key
4 ) Suction Cup (Ventouse) > Andy > Prison
5 ) Drawers (Tiroirs) > Lauren > won > 2nd key
6 ) Giant Chopsticks (Baguettes) > Clare, Russell > won > 3rd key
7 ) Jars (Jarres) > Helen > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Russell > won > 1st clue: Front
2 ) Sunken House (Maison engloutie) > Helen > won > 2nd clue: Block
3 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Andy > won > 3rd clue: Head
4 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Clare > won > 4th clue: Party
5 ) Bell (Cloche) > Lauren > lost

Treasure Room

Sacrifice 1: Lauren > 5th clue: Oval
Sacrifice 2: Clare > 6th clue: Registry

Password: Officee [Spelling] > lost

Password: Office
Amount: 0 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 8] Oldham


1 ) Mick Farrell, 24 years, fitness instructor, Oldham
2 ) Lorraine Hawksworth, 32 years, costomer care advisor, Rochdale
3 ) Michelle Snape, 29 years, office administrator, Oldham
4 ) Lady Eva Speakman, 32 years, company director, Littleborough
5 ) Lord Nick Speakman, 38 years, company chairman, Littleborough


Time: 40:00


1 ) Turnstile (Tourniquet) > Lorraine > lost
2 ) Mole (Taupe) > Eva > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Michelle > won > 1st key
4 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Mick > lost
5 ) Stirrups (Étriers suspendus) > Nick > lost
6 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Michelle > won > 2nd key
7 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Eva, Nick > won > 3rd key
8 ) Junk Room (Débarras) > Mick > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Mick > won > 1st clue: Tool
2 ) Everest (Everest) > Nick > lost
3 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Michelle > won > 2nd clue: Fruit
4 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Mick > won > 3rd clue: Shop
5 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Eva > won > 4th clue: Gun

Treasure Room

Sacrifice: Eva > 5th clue: Washing

Password: Machine
Amount: 4.550 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 9] Warwickshire Firefighters


1 ) Scott Barter, 29 years, firefighter, Warwickshire
2 ) Danni Gregory, 31 years, firefighter, Warwickshire
3 ) Steve Langhor, 35 years, leading firefighter, Warwickshire
4 ) Hannah Lodder, 25 years, leading firefighter, Warwickshire
5 ) Nicky Rudge, 30 years, trainee firefighter, Warwickshire


Time: 40:00


1 ) Asylum (Asile) > Scott > won > 1st key
2 ) Arm Wrestling (Bras de fer) > Steve > won > 2nd key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Scott > won > 3rd key
4 ) Shrinking Cell (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Nicky > lost
5 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Danni > lost
6 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Hannah > lost
7 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Scott > lost
8 ) Board (Planche) > Steve > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Danni > won > 1st clue: Top
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Danni, Scott > won > 2nd clue: Night
3 ) Tiger Cage (Cage aux tigres) > Nicky > won > 3rd clue: Path
4 ) Boat (Esquif) > Steve > won > 4th clue: Deck
5 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Hannah > won > 5th clue: Crew

Treasure Room

Sacrifice: Hannah > 6th clue: Charter

Password: Flight
Amount: 6.080 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 10] Estate Agents


1 ) Stephen Champkins, 31 years, senior negotiator, Cambridgeshire
2 ) Jason Hearn, 31 years, estate agent, Buckinghamshire
3 ) Abigail Lordon, 29 years, payroll officer, Milton Keynes
4 ) Ben Taylor, 29 years, area manager, Bedfordshire
5 ) Abigail Trigg, 23 years, estate agent, Derbyshire


Time: 40:00


1 ) Turnstile (Tourniquet) > Abigail T > lost
2 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Stephen > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Abigail L > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Ben > 2nd key
4 ) Mousetrap (Souricière) > Abigail T, Jason > lost + prison [Abigail T]
5 ) Wall (Mur) > Stephen > won > 3rd key
6 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Abigail L > lost
7 ) Dolphin (Dauphin) > Ben > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Abigail T > lost [Clue: Bag]
2 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Ben > won > 1st clue: Bean
3 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Stephen > won > 2nd clue: Second
4 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Jason > won > 3rd clue: Band
5 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Abigail T > won > 4th clue: Vest

Treasure Room

Password: String
Amount: 6.390 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 11] London


1 ) Lesley Barnett, 31 years, fitness coordinator, London
2 ) Howard Braband, 34 years, health club director, Peterborough
3 ) Tim Foster, 31 years, general manager, Sheffield
4 ) Venita Joaquim, 29 years, PA secretary, Fleet
5 ) Lisette Mayhew, 33 years, PE teacher, Peterborough


Time: 40:00


1 ) Water Carrier (Porteur d'eau) > Venita > lost
2 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Howard > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Tim > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Lisette > 1st key
4 ) Mud Wrestling (Lutte dans la boue) > Lesley > won > 2nd key
5 ) Dolphin (Dauphin) > Tim > lost
6 ) Board (Planche) > Lisette > lost
7 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Howard, Venita > won > 3rd key
8 ) Jars (Jarres) > Lisette > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Venita > lost [Clue: Time]
2 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Howard > won > 1st clue: Land
3 ) Climbing (Varappe) > Lesley > lost
4 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Lisette > won > 2nd clue: Pilgrim
5 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Tim > won > 3rd clue: God

Treasure Room

Amount: 18.430 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 12] Surrey


1 ) Steve Hyland, 40 years, MD building company, Surrey
2 ) Linda Kalantarian, 38 years, beauty therapist, Surrey
3 ) Andy King, 40 years, health business owner, Surrey
4 ) Joanne Llambias, 32 years, beauty therapist, Surrey
5 ) Anna Price, 29 years, personal trainer, Middlesex


Time: 40:00


1 ) Asylum (Asile) > Steve > lost
2 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Linda > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Steve > won > 2nd key
4 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Joanne > lost
5 ) Stirrups (Étriers suspendus) > Andy > won > 3rd key
6 ) Board (Planche) > Anna > lost
7 ) Water Carrier (Porteur d'eau) > Linda > lost
8 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Andy, Anna > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Linda > won > 1st clue: Market
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Andy, Anna > lost
3 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Joanne > won > 2nd clue: Cube
4 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Steve > won > 3rd clue: Exchange
5 ) Bell (Cloche) > Linda > lost

Treasure Room

Password: Stock
Amount: 13.380 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 13] North Yorkshire Police


1 ) Catherine Baty, 34 years, police officer, Yorkshire
2 ) Andy Short, 27 years, police officer, Yorkshire
3 ) Neil Stanton, 40 years, police sergeant, Yorkshire
4 ) Angie Went, 24 years, police officer, Yorkshire
5 ) Mark Whitehouse, 32 years, police constable, County Durham


Time: 40:00


1 ) Handcuff (Menotte) > Angie > won > 1st key
2 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Andy > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Neil > won > 2nd key
4 ) Suction Cup (Ventouse) > Neil > won > 3rd key
5 ) Mud Wrestling (Lutte dans la boue) > Catherine > won > 4th key
6 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Mark > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Neil > won > 1st clue: Rose
2 ) Fishing Net (Barge et filet) > Andy > won > 2nd clue: Plain
3 ) Caving Ladder (Échelle spéléo) > Angie > won > 3rd clue: Breakfast
4 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Catherine > won > 4th clue: Mustard
5 ) Sunken House (Maison engloutie) > Neil > lost
6 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Mark > won > 5th clue: Language

Treasure Room

Password: English
Amount: 18.270 GBP

[Season 4 Episode 14] Celebrity Special


1 ) Keith Duffy, singer
2 ) Sally Gray, TV presenter
3 ) Nell McAndrew, model
4 ) Tris Payne, TV presenter
5 ) Scott Wright, actor



Time: 40:00


1 ) Buckets (Seaux) > Sally, Scott > lost
2 ) Mole (Taupe) > Nell > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Sally > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Tris > 2nd key
4 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Sally, Scott > won > 3rd key
5 ) Asylum (Asile) > Keith > lost
6 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Tris > lost
7 ) Traedmill (Tapis roulant) > Nell > lost
8 ) Pointsman (Aiguilleur) > Scott > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Nell > won > 1st clue: Door
2 ) Roll (Culbuto) > Sally > won > 2nd clue: Hand
3 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Nell > won > 3rd clue: Whisper
4 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Keith > won > 4th clue: Name
5 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Tris > won > 5th clue: Back

Treasure Room

Password: Stage
Amount: 10.130 GBP

Inscription : 01/09/2010

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