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Message  Daniel Mar 23 Aoû 2011 - 22:00


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Episodenguide, FORT BOYARD, GBR, Staffel 3

Titel: Fort Boyard
Sender: Channel 5
Folgen: 18
Produktionsjahr: 2000
Produktion: ALP, Grundy Productions
Moderation: Leslie Grantham, Melinda Messenger
Rätsel: The Professor (Geoffrey Bayldon)

[Staffel 3 Folge 1] Nottingham


1 ) 2 Claudia Cole, Frau, 25 Jahre, Verkaufsleiterin, Nottingham
2 ) 3 Craig Dawkins, Mann, 27 Jahre, Verkaufsleiter, Nottingham
3 ) 5 Lisa Dzierzak, Frau, 30 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Nottingham
4 ) 1 Colin Ellis, Mann, 39 Jahre, Personal Trainer, Nottingham (Kapitän)
5 ) 4 Mark Keohane, Mann, 24 Jahre, Personal Trainer, Nottingham


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Drehscheibe (Tirilitournette) > Lisa > verloren
2 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Colin > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Mark > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Spaziergang (Précipice extérieur) > Craig > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Bücherstapel (Colonne du libraire) > Claudia > gefangen > Gefängnis
6 ) Schleuderbrett (Bascule Magyare) > Mark > verloren
7 ) Tisch (Table instable) > Colin, Lisa > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Mark > verloren [Hinweis: Bus]
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Craig, Lisa > verloren
3 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Colin > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Active
4 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Claudia > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Station
5 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Mark > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Civil


Schlüsselwort: Service
Gewinnsummme: 9.630 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 2] London Lawyers


1 ) 4 Martin Brown, Mann, 26 Jahre, Rechtsanwalt, London
2 ) 1 Sarah Buxton, Frau, 25 Jahre, Rechtsreferendarin, London (Kapitänin)
3 ) 3 Louise Holmes, Frau, 24 Jahre, Rechtsreferendarin, London
4 ) 2 David Sachs, Mann, 30 Jahre, Bankjurist, London
5 ) 5 Matt Todd, Mann, 25 Jahre, Rechtsanwalt, London


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Weichensteller (Aiguilleur) > David > verloren
2 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Louise > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Sarah > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Martin > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Matt > verloren
5 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Sarah > verloren
6 ) Schleuderbrett (Bascule Magyare) > Martin > verloren
7 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > David, Louise > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel

Verlies: David > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Matt > verloren [Hinweis: Chamber]
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Martin, Sarah > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Tax
3 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Louise > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Parish
4 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Matt > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Privy


Schlüsselwort: Council
Gewinnsumme: 9.030 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 3] Cardiff


1 ) 2 Julia Denty, Frau, 27 Jahre, Sportlehrerin, Cardiff
2 ) 5 Mark Donovan, Mann, 37 Jahre, Wartungsmonteur, Cardiff
3 ) 4 Katy Finch, Frau, 23 Jahre, Ärztin, Cardiff
4 ) 1 Paul Gough, Mann, 29 Jahre, Fitnessmanager, Cardiff (Kapitän)
5 ) 3 Andrew Tustin, Mann, 37 Jahre, Verkaufsdirektor, London


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Weichensteller (Aiguilleur) > Katy > verloren
2 ) Säge (Scie) > Mark, Paul > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Katy > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clè à la mer) > Paul > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Saugnapf (Ventouse) > Julia > Gefängnis
5 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Andrew > verloren
6 ) Schubladen (Tiroirs) > Katy > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
7 ) Mauer (Mur) > Mark > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
8 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Andrew, Katy > verloren

Verlies: Mark > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Paul > verloren [Hinweis: Skirt]
2 ) Fahrrad (Cablocypède) > Julia > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Roots
3 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Andrew > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Snake
4 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Katy > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Super


Schlüsselwort: Grass
Gewinnsumme: 8.300 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 4] Bolton


1 ) 1 Mike Doyle, Mann, 35 Jahre, LKW-Fahrer, Bolton (Kapitän)
2 ) 4 Gary Hodgekinson, 32 Jahre, Zahntechniker, Wigan
3 ) 3 Mariana Miskell, Frau, 33 Jahre, Aerobiclehrerin, Bolton
4 ) 5 Simone Staniforth, Frau, 31 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Bury
5 ) 2 Lisa Worthington, Frau, 26 Jahre, Geschäftsführerin, Preston


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Spinnennetz (Toile d'araignée) > Lisa > verloren
2 ) Armdrücken (Bras de fer) > Gary > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Mike > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Lisa > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Mariana > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
5 ) Saugnapf (Ventouse) > Mike > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Simone > verloren
7 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Mariana > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Simone > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Plate
2 ) Katapult (Catapulte) > Lisa > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Back
3 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Mike > verloren [Hinweis: Serial]
4 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Gary > verloren
5 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Mariana > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Prime


Tauschopfer 1: Simone > 4. Hinweis: Ten
Tauschopfer 2: Mariana > 5. Hinweis: Phone
Tauschopfer 3: Lisa > 6. Hinweis: Cruncher

Schlüsselwort: _____

Schlüsselwort: Number
Gewinnsumme: 0 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 5] West Byfleet


1 ) 5 Gill Hayman, Frau, 42 Jahre, Arzthelferin, Great Bookham
2 ) 2 Nicky Hilton, Frau, 33 Jahre, Arzeimittelvertreterin, Sandhurst
3 ) 4 Melanie Holden, Frau, 28 Jahre, Verkaufsleiterin, Woking
4 ) 1 Garry James, Mann, 38 Jahre, Kundenbetreuer, Weybridge (Kapitän)
5 ) 3 Gerry Moriano, Mann, 35 Jahre, Friseur, Byfleet


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Drehscheibe (Tirilitournette) > Garry > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Schleuderbrett (Bascule Magyare) > Nicky > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Melanie > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Garry > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Gerry > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Gill > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
6 ) Weichensteller (Aiguilleur) > Melanie > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Garry > verloren [Hinweis: Post]
2 ) Drahtseilleiter (Échelle spéléo) > Gill > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Toes
3 ) Tigerkäfig (Cage aux tigres) > Garry > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Hole
4 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Nicky > verloren [Hinweis: Clay]
5 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Melanie > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Wood


Schlüsselwort: Pigeon
Gewinnsumme: 12.440 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 6] London - Tower Hill


1 ) 5 Rex Batey, Mann, 26 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, London
2 ) 1 John Carlyle, Mann, 30 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, London (Kapitän)
3 ) 3 Jonathan Mainstone, Mann, 30 Jahre, Fitnessmanager, London
4 ) 4 Sandra Mundy, Frau, 31 Jahre, Aerobiclehrerin, Essex
5 ) 2 Sherry Pierre-Lois, Frau, 31 Jahre, Verwalterin, Middlesex


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Steigbügel (Étriers suspendus) > Jonathan > verloren
2 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > John > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Sandra > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Sherry > verloren
5 ) Spaziergang (Précipice extérieur) > Sandra > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Rumpelkammer (Débarras) > Rex > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Sandra > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Middle
2 ) Seiltänzer (Funambule) > Sherry > verloren
3 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > John > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Plate
4 ) Tauchgang (Souterrain inondé) > Rex > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Index
5 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Sandra > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Painting
6 ) Rolle (Culbuto) > Jonathan > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Nail


Schlüsselwort: Finger
Gewinnsumme: 7.870 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 7] Edinburgh Friends


1 ) 4 Sandy Acamovic, Mann, 43 Jahre, Polizeimeister, Edinburgh
2 ) 2 Dean Clarke, Mann, 28 Jahre, Personal Trainer, Edinburgh
3 ) 3 Vicky McCann, Frau, 30 Jahre, Personal Trainerin, Edinburgh
4 ) 1 Carole Myles, Frau, 30 Jahre, Direktionsassistentin, Edinburgh (Kapitänin)
5 ) 5 Kelly Pullan, Frau, 24 Jahre, Chefassistentin, Edinburgh


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Wasserträger (Porteur d'eau) > Kelly > verloren
2 ) Säge (Scie) > Dean, Sandy > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Vicky > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Carole > verloren
5 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Vicky > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Sandy > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Sandy > verloren [Hinweis: Day]
2 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Dean > verloren
3 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Carole > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Event
4 ) Klettern (Varappe) > Vicky > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Marshal
5 ) Tigerkäfig (Cage aux tigres) > Sandy > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Magnetic
6 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Kelly > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Hospital


Schlüsselwort: Field
Gewinnsumme: 10.900 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 8] Coventry


1 ) 2 Gemma Collins, Frau, 30 Jahre, Personal Trainerin, Coventry
2 ) 5 Graeme Milne, Mann, 29 Jahre, Dekorateur, Coventry
3 ) 1 Russell Minton, Mann, 25 Jahre, Student, Coventry (Kapitän)
4 ) 4 Claire Murphy, Frau, 20 Jahre, Personal Trainerin, Leamington Spa
5 ) 3 Keith Simpson, Mann, 38 Jahre, Kfz-Mechaniker, Coventry


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Spinnennetz (Toile d'araignée) > Claire > Gefängnis
2 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Graeme > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Russell > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Steigbügel (Étriers suspendus) > Keith > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
5 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Gemma > verloren
6 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Russell > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
7 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Graeme > Unfall → 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Keith > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: First
2 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Claire > verloren
3 ) Drahtseilleiter (Échelle spéléo) > Gemma > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Business
4 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Keith > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Act
5 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Russell > verloren


Schlüsselwort: Class
Gewinnsumme: 10.450 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 9] Celebrity Special


1 ) 3 Annalise Braakensiek, Frau, Model und Schauspielerin
2 ) 5 Troy Titus-Adams, Frau, Schauspielerin
3 ) 2 Victor Ubogu, Mann, Rugbyspieler
4 ) 4 Tim Vincent, Mann, Moderator und Schauspieler
5 ) 1 Anna Walker, Frau, Moderatorin (Kapitänin)

Organisation: Breakthrough Breast Cancer


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Victor > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Annalise > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Troy > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Drehkreuz (Tourniquet) > Anna > verloren
5 ) Mauer (Mur) > Tim > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Troy > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Victor > verloren [Hinweis: Leg]
2 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Anna > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Red
3 ) Seiltänzer (Funambule) > Annalise > verloren
4 ) Fischernetz (Barge et filet) > Victor > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Meal
5 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Tim > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Dance
6 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Troy > verloren


Tauschopfer: Annalise > 4. Hinweis: Trafalgar

Schlüsselwort: Square
Gewinnsumme: 7.190 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 10] HMP Durham


1 ) 2 Alexanrea Cleasby, Frau, 22 Jahre, Gefängnisaufseherin, Durham
2 ) 3 Linsey Gittins, Frau, 22 Jahre, Gefängnisaufseherin, Tyne and Wear
3 ) 4 John Hayes, Mann, 33 Jahre, Gefängnisaufseher, Tyne and Wear
4 ) 5 Paula McGregor, Frau, 36 Jahre, Gefängnisaufseherin, Durham
5 ) 1 Bryan Moore, Mann, 30 Jahre, Gefängnisaufseher, Tyne and Wear (Kapitän)


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Handschelle (Menotte) > Paula > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > John > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Paula > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Linsey > 3. Schlüssel
4 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Alexanrea > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
5 ) Mauer (Mur) > Bryan > gewonnen > 5. Schlüssel → 1. Hinweis: High
6 ) Schrumpfzelle (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Linsey > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Paula > verloren [Hinweis: Order]
2 ) Rolle (Culbuto) > Linsey > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Case
3 ) Drahtseilleiter (Échelle spéléo) > Paula > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Shoe
4 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Bryan > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Criminal
5 ) Seiltänzer (Funambule) > Alexanrea > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Jester
6 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Alexanrea > verloren


Schlüsselwort: Court
Gewinnsumme: 11.270 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 11] London Law Firm


1 ) 1 Lee Cullinane, Mann, 36 Jahre, Rechtsanwalt, Winchester (Kapitän)
2 ) 2 Alice Gamble, Frau, 25 Jahre, Rechtsanwältin, Essex
3 ) 5 Pauline Mills, Frau, 21 Jahre, Fitnessberaterin, London
4 ) 3 Jamie Thomas, Mann, 27 Jahre, Rechtsanwalt, London
5 ) 4 Suzanna Wong, Frau, 27 Jahre, Rechtsanwältin, London


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Drehscheibe (Tirilitournette) > Jamie > verloren
2 ) Zylinder (Cylindres) > Alice > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Suzanna > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Pauline > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Lee > verloren
5 ) Drehkreuz (Tourniquet) > Pauline > verloren
6 ) Gefäße (Jarres) > Suzanna > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
7 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Alice > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Jamie > verloren [Hinweis: Party]
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Lee, Pauline > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Neck
3 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Alice > verloren
4 ) Everest (Everest) > Jamie > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Bank
5 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Suzanna > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Wine


Tauschopfer: Alice > 4. Hinweis: Opener

Schlüsselwort: Bottle
Gewinnsumme: 3.170 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 12] HMP Thorn Cross, Warrington


1 ) 5 Lee Carey, Mann, 29 Jahre, Sportoffizier, Merseyside
2 ) 1 John Hindley, Mann, 32 Jahre, Sportoffizier, Skelmersdale (Kapitän)
3 ) 3 Simon Joesbury, Mann, 31 Jahre, Sportoffizier, Rochdale
4 ) 2 Jane Mellor, Frau, 34 Jahre, Gefängnisaufseherin, Manchester
5 ) 4 Michelle Owen, Frau, 27 Jahre, Verwalterin, Warrington


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Handschelle (Menotte) > Michelle > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Schrumpfzelle (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Jane > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Simon > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > John > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Bücherstapel (Colonne du libraire) > Lee > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Simon > verloren
6 ) Schleuderbrett (Bascule Magyare) > John > verloren
7 ) Wasserträger (Porteur d'eau) > Michelle > verloren

Verlies: Jane > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Simon > verloren [Hinweis: Radio]
2 ) Klettern (Varappe) > Michelle > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Work
3 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Lee > verloren [Hinweis: Carriage]
4 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > John > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Alarm


Schlüsselwort: Clock
Gewinnsumme: 14.370 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 13] Braintree, Essex


1 ) 4 Joy Edkins, Frau, 42 Jahre, Personalberaterin, Braintree
2 ) 2 Anna Falzarano, Frau, 29 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Braintree
3 ) 1 Simon King, Mann, 43 Jahre, IT-Systemmanager, Braintree (Kapitän)
4 ) 3 Keith Potter, Mann, 39 Jahre, Wäscher, Braintree
5 ) 5 Sharon Sayers, Frau, 31 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Braintree


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Schubladen (Tiroirs) > Anna > verloren
2 ) Säge (Scie) > Keith, Simon > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Joy > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Keith > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Sharon > Gefängnis
5 ) Bücherstapel (Colonne du libraire) > Joy > Gefängnis
6 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Simon > verloren
7 ) Rumpelkammer (Débarras) > Keith > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
8 ) Spule (Bobine) > Anna > verloren

Verlies: Keith > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Joy > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Crew
2 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Sharon > verloren
3 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Anna > verloren
4 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Simon > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Frost


Schlüsselwort: Ground
Gewinnsumme: 5.160 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 14] West London


1 ) 4 Wayne Alleyne, Mann, 32 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Hammersmith
2 ) 2 Rebecca Baker, Frau, 21 Jahre, Rezeptionistin, Fulham
3 ) 3 Denise Benn, Frau, 28 Jahre, Rezeptionistin, Wimbledon
4 ) 1 Tony Lara, Mann, 28 Jahre, Direktionsassistent, West London (Kapitän)
5 ) 5 Kate Lerche, Frau, 30 Jahre, Marketingmanagerin, Fulham


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Delfin (Dauphin) > Wayne > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Spaziergang (Précipice extérieur) > Kate > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Wayne > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
4 ) Drehkreuz (Tourniquet) > Tony > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
5 ) Taufe (Bizutage) > Rebecca, Wayne > gewonnen > 5. Schlüssel → 1. Hinweis: Knife
6 ) Laufband (Tapis roulant) > Denise > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Rebecca > verloren [Hinweis: Match]
2 ) Seiltänzer (Funambule) > Wayne > verloren
3 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Denise > verloren
4 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Kate > verloren [Hinweis: Power]
5 ) Rolle (Culbuto) > Tony > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: View


Schlüsselwort: Point
Gewinnsumme: 10.600 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 15] RAF Cosford


1 ) 4 Simon Edwards, Mann, 40 Jahre, Sportausbilder, Shrewsbury
2 ) 1 Jeremy Goldsmith, Mann, 30 Jahre, Sportoffizier, Telford (Kapitän)
3 ) 3 Mark Johnson, Mann, 23 Jahre, Sportausbilder, Telford
4 ) 5 Joh Lloyd-Jones, Frau, 26 Jahre, Fotografin, Stafford
5 ) 2 Pamie Murray, Frau, 33 Jahre, Sportausbilderin, Walsall


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Drehscheibe (Tirilitournette) > Joh > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Armdrücken (Bras de fer) > Simon > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Jeremy > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Mark > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Pamie > verloren
5 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Jeremy > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
6 ) Tisch (Table instable) > Mark, Pamie > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Jeremy > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Blood
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Mark, Pamie > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Order
3 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Joh > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Dinner
4 ) Seilbrücke (Pont de singe) > Simon > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Belt
5 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Mark > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Spider
6 ) Bungeesprung (Saut à l'élastique) > Jeremy > gewonnen > 6. Hinweis: Pocket


Schlüsselwort: Money
Gewinnsumme: 15.930 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 16] Edinburgh - Meadowbank


1 ) 1 Neil Crosbie, Mann, 41 Jahre, Fitnesstrainer, Edinburgh (Kapitän)
2 ) 5 Rimma Lewis, Frau, 29 Jahre, Studentin, Edinburgh
3 ) 2 Hazel Mitchell, Frau, 29 Jahre, Fitnesstrainerin, Edinburgh
4 ) 3 Ian Mitchinson, Mann, 34 Jahre, Geschäftsführer, Livingston
5 ) 4 Lynsey Turner, Frau, 19 Jahre, Studentin, East Lothian


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Stechen (Joute) > Neil > verloren
2 ) Delfin (Dauphin) > Lynsey > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Neil > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
4 ) Röhre (Tuyau transparent) > Hazel > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
5 ) Höllenleiter (Échelle infernale) > Rimma > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
6 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Ian > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Neil > verloren [Hinweis: Winter]
2 ) Klettern (Varappe) > Lynsey > verloren
3 ) Spinnen und Skorpione (Araignées et scorpions) > Hazel > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Day
4 ) Tauchgang (Souterrain inondé) > Neil > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Blood
5 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Ian > verloren [Hinweis: Jacket]
6 ) Glocke (Cloche) > Rimma > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Centre


Tauschopfer 1: Hazel > 4. Hinweis: Car
Tauschopfer 2: Lynsey > 5. Hinweis: Dangerous

Schlüsselwort: Sport > falsch

Schlüsselwort: Sports
Gewinnsumme: 0 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 17] Tyne and Wear Firefighters


1 ) 5 Dave Cass-Williams, Mann, 36 Jahre, Feuerwehrmann, Newcastle upon Tyne
2 ) 2 Ruth Cassidy, Frau, 33 Jahre, Feuerwehrfrau, Ryton
3 ) 1 Steve Lamb, Mann, 38 Jahre, Feuerwehrmann, South Shields (Kapitän)
4 ) 4 Alison McMullon, Frau, 26 Jahre, Feuerwehrfrau, Gateshead
5 ) 3 Ian Robertson, Mann, 36 Jahre, Feuerwehrmann, Newcastle upon Tyne


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Wasserträger (Porteur d'eau) > Ruth > gewonnen > 1. Schlüssel
2 ) Säge (Scie) > Dave, Ian > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Steve > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Ruth > 3. Schlüssel
4 ) Mauer (Mur) > Alison > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel
5 ) Tisch (Table instable) > Ian, Ruth > gewonnen > 5. Schlüssel → 1. Hinweis: Pay
6 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Steve > verloren


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Dave > verloren [Hinweis: Home]
2 ) Hebel (Balancier) > Steve > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Bank
3 ) Suchkopf (Tête chercheuse) > Alison > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Romance
4 ) Boot (Esquif) > Ian > verloren
5 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Ruth > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Public
6 ) Katapult (Catapulte) > Dave > gewonnen > 5. Hinweis: Package


Schlüsselwort: Holiday
Gewinnsumme: 14.470 GBP

[Staffel 3 Folge 18] Celebrity Special


1 ) 5 Phil Gayle, Mann, Journalist und Nachrichtensprecher
2 ) 3 Andy Kane, Mann, DIY-Experte
3 ) 4 Tricia Penrose, Frau, Schauspielerin
4 ) 2 Lisa Rogers, Frau, Moderatorin
5 ) 1 Rhodri Williams, Mann, Moderator (Kapitän)

Organisation: National Deaf Children's Society


Öffnung des Eingangstors: Team > Zugang zum Fort

Spielzeit: 40:00


1 ) Säge (Scie) > Andy, Rhodri > verloren
2 ) Maulwurf (Taupe) > Lisa > verloren
3 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Tricia > verloren
0 ) Atlantik (Clé à la mer) > Rhodri > 1. Schlüssel
4 ) Handkurbel (Manolier) > Phil > gewonnen > 2. Schlüssel
5 ) Spinnennetz (Toile d'araignée) > Tricia > Gefängnis
6 ) Schrumpfzelle (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Andy > gewonnen > 3. Schlüssel
7 ) Gangspill (Cabestan) > Rhodri > gewonnen > 4. Schlüssel


1 ) Rätsel (Énigme) > Andy > verloren [Hinweis: Wind]
2 ) Seilbahn (Tyrolienne) > Lisa, Rhodri > gewonnen > 1. Hinweis: Mark
3 ) Dunkellabyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Tricia > gewonnen > 2. Hinweis: Secret
4 ) Schlangen (Serpents) > Andy > gewonnen > 3. Hinweis: Passing
5 ) Kopfsprung (Saut de l'ange) > Phil > gewonnen > 4. Hinweis: Rag


Schlüsselwort: Trade
Gewinnsumme: 14.350 GBP

 Episode Guide, FORT BOYARD, GBR, Season 3 [English]

Title: Fort Boyard
Channel: Channel 5
Episodes: 18
Year of production: 2000
Production: ALP, Grundy Productions
Presentation: Leslie Grantham, Melinda Messenger
Riddles: The Professor (Geoffrey Bayldon)

[Season 3 Episode 1] Nottingham


1 ) Claudia Cole, 25 years, sales manager, Nottingham
2 ) Craig Dawkins, 27 years, sales executive, Nottingham
3 ) Lisa Dzierzak, 30 years, fitness instructor, Nottingham
4 ) Colin Ellis, 39 years, personal trainer, Nottingham
5 ) Mark Keohane, 24 years, personal trainer, Nottingham


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Disc (Tirilitournette) > Lisa > lost
2 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Colin > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Mark > won > 2nd key
4 ) Terror Walk (Précipice extérieur) > Craig > won > 3rd key
5 ) Pile of Books (Colonne du libraire) > Claudia > Prison
6 ) Teeterboard (Bascule Magyare) > Mark > lost
7 ) Unstable Table (Table instable) > Colin, Lisa > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Mark > lost [Clue: Bus]
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Craig, Lisa > lost
3 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Colin > won > 1st clue: Active
4 ) Bell (Cloche) > Claudia > won > 2nd clue: Station
5 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Mark > won > 3rd clue: Civil

Treasure Room

Password: Service
Amount: 9.630 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 2] London Lawyers


1 ) Martin Brown, 26 years, lawyer, London
2 ) Sarah Buxton, 25 years, trainee lawyer, London
3 ) Louise Holmes, 24 years, trainee lawyer, London
4 ) David Sachs, 30 years, banking lawyer, London
5 ) Matt Todd, 25 years, property litigation lawyer, London


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Pointsman (Aiguilleur) > David > lost
2 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Louise > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Sarah > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Martin > 2nd key
4 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Matt > lost
5 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Sarah > lost
6 ) Teeterboard (Bascule Magyare) > Martin > lost
7 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > David, Louise > won > 3rd key

Dungeon: David > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Matt > lost [Clue: Chamber]
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Martin, Sarah > won > 1st clue: Tax
3 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Louise > won > 2nd clue: Parish
4 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Matt > won > 3rd clue: Privy

Treasure Room

Password: Council
Amount: 9.030 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 3] Cardiff


1 ) Julia Denty, 27 years, PE teacher, Cardiff
2 ) Mark Donovan, 37 years, maintenance fitter, Cardiff
3 ) Katy Finch, 23 years, doctor, Cardiff
4 ) Paul Gough, 29 years, assistant fitness manager, Cardiff
5 ) Andrew Tustin, 37 years, sales director, London


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Pointsman (Aiguilleur) > Katy > lost
2 ) Saw (Scie) > Mark, Paul > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Katy > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clè à la mer) > Paul > 1st key
4 ) Suction Cup (Ventouse) > Julia > Prison
5 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Andrew > lost
6 ) Drawers (Tiroirs) > Katy > won > 2nd key
7 ) Wall (Mur) > Mark > won > 3rd key
8 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Andrew, Katy > lost

Dungeon: Mark > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Paul > lost [Clue: Skirt]
2 ) Bicycle (Cablocypède) > Julia > won > 1st clue: Roots
3 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Andrew > won > 2nd clue: Snake
4 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Katy > won > 3rd clue: Super

Treasure Room

Password: Grass
Amount: 8.300 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 4] Bolton


1 ) Mike Doyle, 35 years, HGV driver, Bolton
2 ) Gary Hodgekinson, 32 years, dental technician, Wigan
3 ) Mariana Miskell, 33 years, aerobics teacher, Bolton
4 ) Simone Staniforth, 31 years, fitness instructor, Bury
5 ) Lisa Worthington, 26 years, health club manager, Preston


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Spider Web (Toile d'araignée) > Lisa > lost
2 ) Arm Wrestling (Bras de fer) > Gary > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Mike > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Lisa > 1st key
4 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Mariana > won > 2nd key
5 ) Suction Cup (Ventouse) > Mike > won > 3rd key
6 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Simone > lost
7 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Mariana > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Simone > won > 1st clue: Plate
2 ) Catapult (Catapulte) > Lisa > won > 2nd clue: Back
3 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Mike > lost [Clue: Serial]
4 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Gary > lost
5 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Mariana > won > 3rd clue: Prime

Treasure Room

Sacrifice 1: Simone > 4th clue: Ten
Sacrifice 2: Mariana > 5th clue: Phone
Sacrifice 3: Lisa > 6th clue: Cruncher

Password: _____

Password: Number
Amount: 0 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 5] West Byfleet


1 ) Gill Hayman, 42 years, practice nurse, Great Bookham
2 ) Nicky Hilton, 33 years, medical sales, Sandhurst
3 ) Melanie Holden, 28 years, sales manager, Woking
4 ) Garry James, 38 years, account manager, Weybridge
5 ) Gerry Moriano, 35 years, hairdresser, Byfleet


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Disc (Tirilitournette) > Garry > won > 1st key
2 ) Teeterboard (Bascule Magyare) > Nicky > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Melanie > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Garry > 2nd key
4 ) Mole (Taupe) > Gerry > won > 3rd key
5 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Gill > won > 4th key
6 ) Pointsman (Aiguilleur) > Melanie > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Garry > lost [Clue: Post]
2 ) Caving Ladder (Échelle spéléo) > Gill > won > 1st clue: Toes
3 ) Tiger Cage (Cage aux tigres) > Garry > won > 2nd clue: Hole
4 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Nicky > lost [Clue: Clay]
5 ) Bell (Cloche) > Melanie > won > 3rd clue: Wood

Treasure Room

Password: Pigeon
Amount: 12.440 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 6] London - Tower Hill


1 ) Rex Batey, 26 years, fitness instructor, London
2 ) John Carlyle, 30 years, fitness instructor, London
3 ) Jonathan Mainstone, 30 years, fitness manager, London
4 ) Sandra Mundy, 31 years, aerobic instructor, Essex
5 ) Sherry Pierre-Lois, 31 years, administrator, Middlesex


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Stirrups (Étriers suspendus) > Jonathan > lost
2 ) Mole (Taupe) > John > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Sandra > won > 2nd key
4 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Sherry > lost
5 ) Terror Walk (Précipice extérieur) > Sandra > won > 3rd key
6 ) Junk Room (Débarras) > Rex > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Sandra > won > 1st clue: Middle
2 ) Tightrope Walker (Funambule) > Sherry > lost
3 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > John > won > 2nd clue: Plate
4 ) Flooded Basement (Souterrain inondé) > Rex > won > 3rd clue: Index
5 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Sandra > won > 4th clue: Painting
6 ) Roll (Culbuto) > Jonathan > won > 5th clue: Nail

Treasure Room

Password: Finger
Amount: 7.870 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 7] Edinburgh Friends


1 ) Sandy Acamovic, 43 years, police sergeant, Edinburgh
2 ) Dean Clarke, 28 years, personal trainer, Edinburgh
3 ) Vicky McCann, 30 years, personal trainer, Edinburgh
4 ) Carole Myles, 30 years, assistant gym manager, Edinburgh
5 ) Kelly Pullan, 24 years, executive assistant, Edinburgh


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Water Carrier (Porteur d'eau) > Kelly > lost
2 ) Saw (Scie) > Dean, Sandy > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Vicky > won > 2nd key
4 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Carole > lost
5 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Vicky > won > 3rd key
6 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Sandy > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Sandy > lost [Clue: Day]
2 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Dean > lost
3 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Carole > won > 1st clue: Event
4 ) Climbing (Varappe) > Vicky > won > 2nd clue: Marshal
5 ) Tiger Cage (Cage aux tigres) > Sandy > won > 3rd clue: Magnetic
6 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Kelly > won > 4th clue: Hospital

Treasure Room

Password: Field
Amount: 10.900 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 8] Coventry


1 ) Gemma Collins, 30 years, personal trainer, Coventry
2 ) Graeme Milne, 29 years, decorator, Coventry
3 ) Russell Minton, 25 years, student, Coventry
4 ) Claire Murphy, 20 years, personal trainer, Leamington Spa
5 ) Keith Simpson, 38 years, motor mechanic, Coventry


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Spider Web (Toile d'araignée) > Claire > Prison
2 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Graeme > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Russell > won > 1st key
4 ) Stirrups (Étriers suspendus) > Keith > won > 2nd key
5 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Gemma > lost
6 ) Mole (Taupe) > Russell > won > 3rd key
7 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Graeme > Accident → 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Keith > won > 1st clue: First
2 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Claire > lost
3 ) Caving Ladder (Échelle spéléo) > Gemma > won > 2nd clue: Business
4 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Keith > won > 3rd clue: Act
5 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Russell > lost

Treasure Room

Password: Class
Amount: 10.450 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 9] HMP Durham


1 ) Alexanrea Cleasby, 22 years, prison officer, Durham
2 ) Linsey Gittins, 22 years, prison officer, Tyne and Wear
3 ) John Hayes, 33 years, prison officer, Tyne and Wear
4 ) Paula McGregor, 36 years, prison officer, Durham
5 ) Bryan Moore, 30 years, prison officer, Tyne and Wear


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Handcuff (Menotte) > Paula > won > 1st key
2 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > John > won > 2nd key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Paula > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Linsey > 3rd key
4 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Alexanrea >won > 4th key
5 ) Wall (Mur) > Bryan > won > 5th key → 1st clue: High
6 ) Shrinking Cell (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Linsey > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Paula > lost [Clue: Order]
2 ) Roll (Culbuto) > Linsey > won > 2nd clue: Case
3 ) Caving Ladder (Échelle spéléo) > Paula > won > 3rd clue: Shoe
4 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Bryan > won > 4th clue: Criminal
5 ) Tightrope Walker (Funambule) > Alexanrea > won > 5th clue: Jester
6 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Alexanrea > lost

Treasure Room

Password: Court
Amount: 11.270 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 10] London Law Firm


1 ) Lee Cullinane, 36 years, lawyer, Winchester
2 ) Alice Gamble, 25 years, lawyer, Essex
3 ) Pauline Mills, 21 years, fitness consultant, London
4 ) Jamie Thomas, 27 years, lawyer, London
5 ) Suzanna Wong, 27 years, lawyer, London


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Disc (Tirilitournette) > Jamie > lost
2 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Alice > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Suzanna > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Pauline > 2nd key
4 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Lee > lost
5 ) Turnstile (Tourniquet) > Pauline > lost
6 ) Jars (Jarres) > Suzanna > won > 3rd key
7 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Alice > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Jamie > lost [Clue: Party]
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Lee, Pauline > won > 1st clue: Neck
3 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Alice > lost
4 ) Everest (Everest) > Jamie > won > 2nd clue: Bank
5 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Suzanna > won > 3rd clue: Wine

Treasure Room

Sacrifice: Alice > 4th clue: Opener

Password: Bottle
Amount: 3.170 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 11] HMP Thorn Cross, Warrington


1 ) Lee Carey, 29 years, PT officer, Merseyside
2 ) John Hindley, 32 years, PT officer, kelmersdale
3 ) Simon Joesbury, 31 years, PT officer, Rochdale
4 ) Jane Mellor, 34 years, prison officer, Manchester
5 ) Michelle Owen, 27 years, administrator, Warrington


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Handcuff (Menotte) > Michelle > won > 1st key
2 ) Shrinking Cell (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Jane > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Simon > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > John > 2nd key
4 ) Pile of Books (Colonne du libraire) > Lee > won > 3rd key
5 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Simon > lost
6 ) Teeterboard (Bascule Magyare) > John > lost
7 ) Water Carrier (Porteur d'eau) > Michelle > lost

Dungeon: Jane > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Simon > lost [Clue: Radio]
2 ) Climbing (Varappe) > Michelle > won > 1st clue: Work
3 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Lee > lost [Clue: Carriage]
4 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > John > won > 2nd clue: Alarm

Treasure Room

Password: Clock
Amount: 14.370 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 12] Braintree, Essex


1 ) Joy Edkins, 42 years, recruitment consultant, Braintree
2 ) Anna Falzarano, 29 years, fitness instructor, Braintree
3 ) Simon King, 43 years, IT systems manager, Braintree
4 ) Keith Potter, 39 years, senior valet, Braintree
5 ) Sharon Sayers, 31 years, fitness instructor, Braintree


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Drawers (Tiroirs) > Anna > lost
2 ) Saw (Scie) > Keith, Simon > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Joy > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Keith > 2nd key
4 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Sharon > Prison
5 ) Pile of Books (Colonne du libraire) > Joy > Prison
6 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Simon > lost
7 ) Junk Room (Débarras) > Keith > won > 3rd key
8 ) Reel (Bobine) > Anna > lost

Dungeon: Keith > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Joy > won > 1st clue: Crew
2 ) Bell (Cloche) > Sharon > lost
3 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Anna > lost
4 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Simon > won > 2nd clue: Frost

Treasure Room

Password: Ground
Amount: 5.160 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 13] West London


1 ) Wayne Alleyne, 32 years, fitness instructor, Hammersmith
2 ) Rebecca Baker, 21 years, receptionist, Fulham
3 ) Denise Benn, 28 years, receptionist, Wimbledon
4 ) Tony Lara, 28 years, assistant manager, West London
5 ) Kate Lerche, 30 years, marketing manager, Fulham


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Dolphin (Dauphin) > Wayne > won > 1st key
2 ) Terror Walk (Précipice extérieur) > Kate > won > 2nd key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Wayne > won > 3rd key
4 ) Turnstile (Tourniquet) > Tony > won > 4th key
5 ) Baptism (Bizutage) > Rebecca, Wayne > won > 5th key → 1st clue: Knife
6 ) Treadmill (Tapis roulant) > Denise > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Rebecca > lost [Clue: Match]
2 ) Tightrope Walker (Funambule) > Wayne > lost
3 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Denise > lost
4 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Kate > lost [Clue: Power]
5 ) Roll (Culbuto) > Tony > won > 2nd clue: View

Treasure Room

Password: Point
Amount: 10.600 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 14] RAF Cosford


1 ) Simon Edwards, 40 years, PT instructor, Shrewsbury
2 ) Jeremy Goldsmith, 30 years, PT officer, Telford
3 ) Mark Johnson, 23 years, PT instructor, Telford
4 ) Joh Lloyd-Jones, 26 years, photographer, Stafford
5 ) Pamie Murray, 33 years, PT instructor, Walsall


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Disc (Tirilitournette) > Joh > won > 1st key
2 ) Arm Wrestling (Bras de fer) > Simon > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Jeremy > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Mark > 2nd key
4 ) Mole (Taupe) > Pamie > lost
5 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Jeremy > won > 3rd key
6 ) Unstable Table (Table instable) > Mark, Pamie > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Jeremy > won > 1st clue: Blood
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Mark, Pamie > won > 2nd clue: Order
3 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Joh > won > 3rd clue: Dinner
4 ) Monkey Bridge (Pont de singe) > Simon > won > 4th clue: Belt
5 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Mark > won > 5th clue: Spider
6 ) Bungee Jump (Saut à l'élastique) > Jeremy > won > 6th clue: Pocket

Treasure Room

Password: Money
Amount: 15.930 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 15] Edinburgh - Meadowbank


1 ) Neil Crosbie, 41 years, fitness instructor, Edinburgh
2 ) Rimma Lewis, 29 years, student, Edinburgh
3 ) Hazel Mitchell, 29 years, fitness instructor, Edinburgh
4 ) Ian Mitchinson, 34 years, leisure centre manager, Livingston
5 ) Lynsey Turner, 19 years, student, East Lothian


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Joust (Joute) > Neil > lost
2 ) Dolphin (Dauphin) > Lynsey > won > 1st key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Neil > won > 2nd key
4 ) Tube (Tuyau transparent) > Hazel > won > 3rd key
5 ) Infernal Ladder (Échelle infernale) > Rimma > won > 4th key
6 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Ian > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Neil > lost [Clue: Winter]
2 ) Climbing (Varappe) > Lynsey > lost
3 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Hazel > won > 1st clue: Day
4 ) Flooded Basement (Souterrain inondé) > Neil > won > 2nd clue: Blood
5 ) Spiders (Serpents) > Ian > lost [Clue: Jacket]
6 ) Bell (Cloche) > Rimma > won > 3rd clue: Centre

Treasure Room

Sacrifice 1: Hazel > 4th clue: Car
Sacrifice 2: Lynsey > 5th clue: Dangerous

Password: Sport > incorrect

Password: Sports
Amount: 0 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 16] Tyne and Wear Firefighters


1 ) Dave Cass-Williams, 36 years, firefighter, Newcastle upon Tyne
2 ) Ruth Cassidy, 33 years, firefighter, Ryton
3 ) Steve Lamb, 38 years, firefighter, South Shields
4 ) Alison McMullon, 26 years, firefighter, Gateshead
5 ) Ian Robertson, 36 years, firefighter, Newcastle upon Tyne


Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Water Carrier (Porteur d'eau) > Ruth > won > 1st key
2 ) Saw (Scie) > Dave, Ian > won > 2nd key
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Steve > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Ruth > 3rd key
4 ) Wall (Mur) > Alison > won > 4th key
5 ) Unstable Table (Table instable) > Ian, Ruth > won > 5th key → 1st clue: Pay
6 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Steve > lost


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Dave > lost [Clue: Home]
2 ) Lever (Balancier) > Steve > won > 2nd clue: Bank
3 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Alison > won > 3rd clue: Romance
4 ) Boat (Esquif) > Ian > lost
5 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Ruth > won > 4th clue: Public
6 ) Catapult (Catapulte) > Dave > won > 5th clue: Package

Treasure Room

Password: Holiday
Amount: 14.470 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 17] Celebrity Special


1 ) Annalise Braakensiek, model
2 ) Troy Titus-Adams, actress
3 ) Victor Ubogu, rugby professional
4 ) Tim Vincent, presenter
5 ) Anna Walker, presenter



Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Excalibur (Excalibur) > Victor > won > 1st key
2 ) Cylinders (Cylindres) > Annalise > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Troy > won > 2nd key
4 ) Turnstile (Tourniquet) > Anna > lost
5 ) Wall (Mur) > Tim > won > 3rd key
6 ) Tradmill (Tapis roulant) > Troy > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Victor > lost [Clue: Leg]
2 ) Spiders and Scorpions (Araignées et scorpions) > Anna > won > 1st clue: Red
3 ) Tightrope Walker (Funambule) > Annalise > lost
4 ) Fishing Net (Barge et filet) > Victor > won > 2nd clue: Meal
5 ) Searching Head (Tête chercheuse) > Tim > won > 3rd clue: Dance
6 ) Bell (Cloche) > Troy > lost

Treasure Room

Sacrifice: Annalise > 4th clue: Trafalgar

Password: Square
Amount: 7.190 GBP

[Season 3 Episode 18] Celebrity Special


1 ) Phil Gayle, journalist
2 ) Andy Kane, DIY expert
3 ) Tricia Penrose, actress
4 ) Lisa Rogers, presenter
5 ) Rhodri Williams, presenter



Opening of the gate: Team > Access to the fort

Time: 40:00


1 ) Saw (Scie) > Andy, Rhodri > lost
2 ) Mole (Taupe) > Lisa > lost
3 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Tricia > lost
0 ) Atlantic (Clé à la mer) > Rhodri > 1st key
4 ) Hand Pedal (Manolier) > Phil > won > 2nd key
5 ) Spider Web (Toile d'araignée) > Tricia > Prison
6 ) Shrinking Cell (Cellule qui rétrécit) > Andy > won > 3rd key
7 ) Capstan (Cabestan) > Rhodri > won > 4th key


1 ) Riddle (Énigme) > Andy > lost [Clue: Wind]
2 ) Zip Line (Tyrolienne) > Lisa, Rhodri > won > 1st clue: Mark
3 ) Dark Labyrinth (Labyrinthe obscur) > Tricia > won > 2nd clue: Secret
4 ) Snakes (Serpents) > Andy > won > 3rd clue: Passing
5 ) Head Dive (Saut de l'ange) > Phil > won > 4th clue: Rag

Treasure Room

Password: Trade
Amount: 14.350 GBP

Inscription : 01/09/2010

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Boyards : 3736

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